Home > Local History > Cemetery Records > Welch Graveyard

Welch Graveyard

Shelby Township
Jefferson County, Indiana

April 2000 Survey – done by Jackie Owen

KEY:  SS = Same Stone, W = Wife, S = Son, D = Daughter, y = year(s), m = month(s), d = day(s)

Welch Infant child On 1941 DAR list, not found in this audit
Welch Jane 16 Feb 1846 W of Samuel – Aged 67y All that was left of this stone was part of the death date. The other info came from the 1941 DAR list.
Welch Samuel 30 Dec 1842 Native of Pennsylvania – Aged 75y
Welch Samuel Springers Legion, Revolutionary War Government marker


  • Located near Canaan, on Scott Ridge Road just over 1 mile from Highway 250 on the South side of the road.

  • A note on the 1941 DAR list says, a stranger came to the Welch home and died that same night & was buried here. The family did not know his name.

  • According to Bob Scott, Samuel and Jane Welch's tombstone was a single marker, that was broken; and, Jane's portion is now missing.